Friday, January 29, 2010

Louisiana Lake Architecture

In 1956, the Tulane School of Architecture students published an important article written by Melvin Young and August Perez, Jr. The authors were particularly interested in vernacular architecture that responded to Louisiana's unique climate, history, and "typographical features." They sought to address the stilted architecture festooning the state's lake systems, and were especially attracted to the city of Milneburg, as the embodiment of this distinctive vernacular tradition:

"Perhaps the most noteworthy characteristic of this curious town was its native style of entertainment. The wharf was gradually extended from the boat landing, and jutting from it were dozens of camps. When picnic groups took over the camps for parties, each camp had a negro band. It was here that some of the well-known jazz artists such as Peron, the Celestins, and Louis Armstrong, first became popular."

To read more, see Melvin Young and August Perez, Jr. "Louisiana Lake Architecture." The Student Publication of the School of Architecture of Tulane University 1:2 (1956): [1-3].


Francine Stock said...

wow. Super cool. Is that available in the Architecture Library?

Keli Rylance said...

The TSA publications are available through Tulane University Archives, Special Collections. We do have a copy of that particular issue in SEAA if you would rather come here.