Binnings compiled his photographs into albums by subject, creating typewritten annotations which he wrote or gleaned from historic sources. His "Know New Orleans" album includes the above photograph, accompanied by his text:
"Walgreen Drug Stores have gone to a great expense to put in one of the most expensive and modern drug stores in New Orleans, located on a very prominent intersection and where thousands of uptown residents pass daily. For some unaccountable reason they have seen fit to rent space for this sign to DH Holmes Co. Ltd. It is such a dominating sign that it overshadows the remainder of the location and in passing about all the average motorist can see is the DH Holmes sign. Holmes knows this and always maintain a seasonable, well executed institutional sign."
Image above: Clem Binnings. Holmes Sign, St. Charles and Napoleon Avenue, 1940s. Clem P. Binnings Collection, Southeastern Architectural Archive, Special Collections Division, Tulane University Libraries.